Friday, February 5, 2010

Team 2: Sunday Jan. 24, 2010
The St. Cloud Team up early bags packed headed for the buses that would take them to the village of HuehueTenango, a 5 hour bus ride. Two stops, the first being in Katok. Souviners, ice cream bars and homemade cookies purchased and back on the bus for the next leg of the trip.
The enthusiasm was high and stories flew of previous trips. The newcomers were in for a great adventure and really looking forward to it.

The arrival of the team was an eye opener not only the new comers but the veterans as well. The line at the gate was the longest I'd ever seen. People had come for miles and been waiting since Thursday to receive health care. The veteran triage team Linda Domholt and Patti Herzog went right to work seeking the ones in line with the greatest surgical needs first. Every department went straight to work getting ready for the week to come. Energy was at an all time high. We were all eager to see and treat the many patients that presented at the gate.

By 7:00pm the dinner was served, surgeries scheduled for Monday, and departments had come together to make their plans for the week.
Medical Team 2: St. Cloud MN Dr. Schultz & Cammy Olsen's team
The second medical team entered Guatemala City on Saturday January 23rd. No delays and no difficulties, even though it was necessary for the team to leave St. Cloud an hour earlier due to ice. All the bags arrived with the team as well. It was a welcomed sight when I saw the first few team members arrive at the Barcello for their first nights stay. Tired and ready for a good nights sleep, after their debriefing from Dr. Daniel Sanchez and co-leader Tony de Lima. Everyone was off to bed.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 6:

As we pack up and say our good byes to the many new friends made it is with some sadness. We look forward to an evening of fun as we prepare our skits for the evening following dinner. We have a good time reminessing about the week and spending some much needed R&R in Antigua

Day 5:

Wow!! What a week. 80 servants coming together, some for the first time to serve the people of Guatemala. How can you put a price tag on what we have experienced. Only those who have been here can really appreciate the sacrifice from cooks in the kitchen, nurses in the recovery room, surgical instrument cleaning, to the pharmacy and surgery we have once again had a beautiful experience. "The life that is changed....". We prepare for the last day only to feel mixed emotion.

The surgeries come to an end and the recovery room starts to pack while the insturment cleaners look estatic over their last instuments to be cleanned.

There are a few who's work looks like a lot of fun or is it ever done?

Day 4:

A visit today to the school in Santa Avelina provided us with many opportunities to reconnect with old friends and see the new students registering for school at the William M. Botenen HELPS School. Lois ONeal was there along with Cheryl Weeks-Rosten taking photos of the new pre-kinder students. All of these students are awaiting sponsorship. There were 19 in all, making this years attendance at 138 pre-kinder through 6th grades.

I was also able to reconnect with the little girl I sponsor Aidya and her family. There were bringing in her little brother Eddie who will be a new pre-kinder student this year and is looking for a sponsor. I brought gifts for Aidya. It was fun to see her excited to receive a little dress and sweat shirt. She is very shy and uncertain as to how to take it all in. Her mother was very greatful that Aidya is receiving an education.

It was fun to see all of the children's art work.

While we were on outreach, Dr. Joe Wenner, St. Cloud, Dr. Robert Schwegler, Albany worked hard with with their translators and assistants to provide dental care for all the students. Dr. Joe was amazed, they have been coming now for three years and they only had to pull a few teeth. They believe that this is primarily due to the preventative dentistry that has taken place over the last three years. The children have their own tooth brushes and the teachers make sure that dental hygiene is done at the school as well as at home.

Dr. Lucy from Dallas, and Nurse Karla from New Brighton, MN treat the many women and children that seek treatment in Santa Avelina. This is a first time trip for both and they cannot wait to come back. We are very greatful to them for their service.
The clouds move in and the team packs up to return to the hospital in Nebaj. It was a wonderful day, new and old friends connect and we are exhausted after a day of service to our beautiful friends of Santa Avelina Guatemala.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 3:
Today the dental team saw over 100 patients between outreach and the hospital. Dr. Wenner, Dr. Pull and Dr. Schwegler and their assistants worked hard to meet the many needs of of the Guatemalan people.

The stove teams had a great day too. Going into the homes of the people was the highlight for Jeff Ellefson. He cannot wait to get home to his friends and present them with the challenge to coming to Guatemala with him.
Cary Wicker from Dallas enjoying a day of stoving.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 1:

After flight delays in both Minneapolis and Dallas, Jon and Pat Christiansen's team arrived safely in Guatemala City on Saturday evening. Although fifteen of the medical bags were lost in the airport shuffle, the team continued on their way to Nebaj early Sunday morning. The duration of Sunday was spent prepping the hospital for operation on Monday morning, in hopes that the missing bags would arrive in time for a productive day.

Day 2:

With the arrival of the missing bags at 10:30 a.m., the teams went to work right away to make up for lost time. The medical staff worked diligently until 7:00 p.m., completing twelve procedures over the course of the day. With everybody exhausted from a hectic few days, the hospital quiets down shortly after dinner.. As the conversations dwindle, the halls fill with the beautiful voice of our beloved pharmacist Jim, as he sings John Denver.